Thursday 16 July 2020

Change Ahead(Little things change your perception)

5 Little-Known Facts About Habits That Will Change The Way You Look At Them Forever
Vishal seth
july 16 ,2020· 6 min read

You know you have bad ones and good ones.
You are perfectly aware of the fact that you “should really stop smoking” or “finally start working out again”.
But how can you change something, if you don’t know how it works?
When you have no clue that your car needs oil to run, how can you know it’s oil you need to put in when it suddenly stops dead in the middle of the road?
The solution is to educate yourself.
Once you know how habits work, changing them becomes much easier.
That’s why 5 facts about habits hardly anyone is aware of to share with you today. you’ll know what’s happening — and changing your behavior will be easier.
Long gone are the times when experimenting with habits such as meditation or yoga was only for Zen monks and gurus.
Nowadays everyone and their brother is doing yoga and over 2 million people use HeadSpace, an app for guided meditations.
Because more and more the findings from research start seeping into our brains: habits matter.
This study from Duke University in 2006 found that up to 45% of all our daily behaviors are automatic.
Let me say that again: You spend 1 out of every 2 minutes doing something that you’re not even aware of.
2. Habits are a way for your brain to save energy
One word: energy.
Your brain is the most efficient processor on the planet.Forget Moore’s law and doubling the cores of your CPU, if we understand the brain in it’s entirety, we win.Your brain makes up only 2% of your total mass, but it consumes 25% of all the oxygen you inhale.
this thing better be efficient. And it is. That’s why it’s constantly looking for new ways to save energy.
Automating behaviors in the form of habits is one of the best ways to do so.
Your brain divides a complex pattern into small chunks. Each chunk is then automated, requiring less and less brain activity the more often it is repeated.
Researchers recreated this behavior with rats running through mazes. After a clicking noise which opened the door into the maze, the rats had to find their way through 2 sections for a piece of chocolate.
Once they knew: “As soon as the door clicks I can just run straight, turn left and get some chocolate”, their brain put their bodies on an automated sequence, minimizing the energy required to take action or process information along the way.
The exact same thing happens when you reach for the cookie jar for the millionth time — your brain just doesn’t consider it a task anymore — and you go on autopilot.
Which is why…
3. Habits are even tougher to break than you thought — way tougher
Sometimes I look at people who smoke and think: “What the fudge? Does he have no clue how short life is? How can I take him even seriously, if he’s smoking?”That’s a mistake (I’m human too).
It’s so easy to judge others based on actions and ourselves based on intentions.
But that guy, standing at the corner, puffing on his cigarette, isn’t trying to.
He probably has all the intention to stop — it’s just freaking hard to do.
I’m sorry, random dude.
One of the wisest people on the planet.

The reason habits are so tough to break lies in the structure of your brain.
Evolutionary speaking, the farther outside you go, the newer the parts of the brain. Your prefrontal cortex, where all complex thinking is done, is right behind your forehead.
Here’s where the basal ganglia is, the part of the brain where habits are formed:
This little lump of tissue with the size of a golfball has been around for a few thousand years.
It already made sure the caveman ancestor of your great-grandfather kept breathing, swallowing and running away from a saber tooth tiger.
If that’s the kind of stuff that’s anchored in your basal ganglia, then you can imagine it would be fairly hard to get it out of there again.
As researchers’ work with a man named Eugene Pauly, 71-years old, suffering from severe memory loss after illness, showed, habits rooted in the basal ganglia are so strong, they can survive severe brain damage.
It’s no wonder you can’t just quit smoking from one day to the next.
4. Habits are a spiritual thing — you better believe it
The reason why AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is so efficient and has boasted about 2 million members each year, for the past 25 years, is surely not it’s 12-step program.
The steps help, but they’re not magic.
Alcohol addiction is a serious medical condition, people institutionalize themselves to get rid it.
What fuels the success of AA is belief.
Some time during that first meeting, every newcomer looks around and starts thinking: “If it worked for that guy over there, why not for me?”
Getting together, sharing feelings and rallying together creates a common belief among the group, that things can change.
And to top it all off: belief works on top of belief.
Studies have shown that while no particular religion helped AA individuals reach sobriety faster, having any sort of faith at all made a huge difference over atheists and agnostics.

5. One keystone habit can change everything
Once we go further down the “habit hole”, we usually find dozens of things we want to change.
Quit biting nails, stop drinking, don’t eat out so much, start running AND swimming.
This is neither efficient, nor even necessary.
It’s enough for you to change one habit, it just has to be the right one.

Duhigg describes these as keystone habits, which cause a positive ripple effect and automatically infer changes in other areas.

Monday 6 July 2020

The books on Habits Which is Life Changing

Life-Changing Books 
To Help You 
Build Better Habits

1. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg:-
The interesting thing about habits is that once we develop them, they go totally unnoticed in our day-to-day activities. For example, you probably don’t think about how many simultaneous actions go into reversing your car out of the garage and into the street safely and smoothly. You just do it. That’s a habit.
The Power of Habit teaches you how to be deliberate about building better habits that serve you both in life and in business.

2. Drive by Daniel Pink:-
This book will equip you with everything you need to know about developing the habit of self-motivation. In other words, this book will teach you some of the most powerful leadership lessons you’ll ever learn.Pink explains how we can best motivate ourselves and others by understanding how to utilize intrinsic motivators. Bottom line? You can’t lead a successful life unless you’ve developed a habit of motivating yourself on a consistent basis, and Drive is a cornerstone book on how to figure that out.

3. Mindset by Carol Dweck:-
Mindset discusses the differences between people with a “fixed” mindset versus those with a “growth” mindset. Our mindset determines the way we deal with tough situations and setbacks as well as our willingness to deal with and improve ourselves. This book demonstrates how we can achieve our goals by changing our mindset and then developing the success habits to help us nurture that psychological switchover the long-run. It’s a very powerful book on personal transformation that’s also backed by sound scientific research to boot.

4. The ONE Thing by Gary Keller, Jay Papasan:-
The key to sustainable success is actually simple: focus on one thing and see it through for long enough that you achieve your goals. That’s it. Success is sequential, not simultaneous. This book breaks down the mechanics of that process.

5. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius:-
This book was written over 1800 years ago. Guess what? The powerful principles, written way back in the second century, remain just as applicable today. Just read this quote and you’ll understand what I mean:

“For how could we do what justice requires if we are distracted by things that don’t matter, if we are naive, gullible, inconstant?”

He’s got to be referring to our texting and driving habits, right? The Stoics were known for their disciplined pursuit of excellence, especially when it comes to maintaining emotional stability—which they kept regardless of how stressful a situation they might’ve been dealing with at any given moment. This type of emotional stability wasn’t built overnight. It was built by way of habit. Want to learn about adding some Stoic flare to your own habits?

6. Willpower by John Tierney, Roy Baumeister:-
what’s the role of willpower in helping us achieve our goals? The answers will surprise you. They’ll also provide you with actionable ways to reshape your lifestyle habits in a way that allows you to find and ignite that charge within yourself to help you achieve lasting change, progress, and ultimately success. Decades of scientific research tells us that the key to forming and sustaining habits is self-control . And if you want to build up your own willpower muscles, then this is the book you need to read.
7. Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell:-
This is a book about success and how there’s a lot more to it than being smart and working hard. Maybe you’ve heard of Gladwell’s famous 10,000-hour rule and how it relates to success. Even then, there’s still so much more to learn about how successful people became so successful in the first place.

8. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey:- 
In the book, Stephen Covey says,“People can’t live with change if there’s not a changeless core inside them. The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value.”

9. Mini Habits by Stephen Guise:-
Mini Habits is all about how taking small steps daily can lead to massive changes over time. If you’ve been struggling to lose that fat and achieve your health and fitness goals.then this book is going to break down the big ideas you need to know in order to bust through those sticking points and build the habits you need to succeed.

10. The Effective Executive by Peter Drucker:- 
In this book, author Peter Drucker tells us that “effectiveness must be learned.” What does that mean? It means that being effective is a habit, but so is being ineffective. Often times, people think they’re being effective when what they’re really being is efficient—there’s a difference. Being efficient means to be doing things right. Being effective means to be doing the right things. This book teaches you how to develop the habit of doing the latter so that you can achieve success in life and business as quickly and effectively as possible.

11. Make It Stick by Peter C. Brown, Henry Roediger, Mark McDaniel:-
We are now living in the age of distractions and constant notifications about the things that don’t matter. And to make matters worse, we’ve got more information flowing into our purview than we ever have before. In order to make sense of all this “stuff” and focus on our most meaningful objectives in life, we’ve got to develop the habit of learning how to learn. In other words, in order to succeed in the modern world, we need to develop the skill of grasping and retaining important concepts quickly. That’s what Make It Stick helps us do.

these books can be reflect your inner personality and promote your good habits.any book you will start to read then you feel inner enthusistic power .No one can reach your goal at one day ,its consisting process.
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Tuesday 30 June 2020

Habit of Writing :- built your Articals notes

Daily Writing Habit-change your mindset and build your self improvement:
One of the most important habits that you have  formed in your life is daily writing.Without question, writing every day has brought you many great things: A better career, fulfillment, self-improvement, and most importantly, the ability to share your ideas with to everyone , the reader.
I recommend that to everyone because of these 5 reasons:

1:-Better self-discipline:
Living a life of pleasure is simple. Everyone can “Netflix and chill.” It’s easy to “hang out” all the time. But those easy things will not give you inner satisfaction. The reason that we don’t do anything useful with our precious time is that we lack self-discipline. But when you write every day, you strengthen your discipline. You can use that better self-discipline to achieve virtually anything in life.

2:-Improving your persuasion skills:
Writing is nothing more than persuading the reader with words. But your tools are limited—you can only use words to tell a story. And when you write for yourself, you’re trying to convince yourself of your own thoughts. So the more you write, the better 
you become at persuasion.

3:-Cultivating self-awareness:
Nothing will help you to get to know yourself more than translating your thoughts into words. When you force yourself to write every day, you automatically become more aware of your thoughts. And self-awareness is one of the most important skills that predict career success.

4:Better decision making:
What makes a good decision? When I ask people that question, I often get answers like:

When the outcome is successful.”

Too often, we do something without fully understanding why we do it. Think about it. How often do you answer “I don’t know” when someone asks you “Why did you do that?” That’s the sign of weak thinking. Sure, we don’t know everything. But we must aware of that too. And when you write about your decision-making process, you will automatically become more aware of the “why.”

“Good decisions can lead to bad outcomes and vice versa.”

5:-Seeing the power of compounding in action:
When you do something every day, you don’t notice any difference at that moment. You think, “Where are the benefits?” But when you keep doing it for a long time, the positive effects compound. 
(compound :- Reaping huge rewards from a series of small, smart choices. step feel insignificant, result are massive.)
Writing every day will demonstrate the power of compounding like very few other things can.

These are the benefits of one small habit which make you extraordinary  person .cluster of habits will change your all personality. you will be reach your goals  easily!

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Sunday 28 June 2020

Effective Habit of Highly Succesfull

Many person are tackel many problems in daily routine. But they do not understand that His habits is responsible for that.
so i want to  introduce habits of highly effective people.

Friday 19 June 2020

Secret habits for legendary leadership

Secret Habits thats create legendary leadership

I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it.
– Pablo Picasso
The brain is the strongest muscle in the body. You’ve heard stories of how combat soldiers have been shot repeatedly but were not aware of it until the fight was over. These stories are true, and the power to do such things comes from the mind and can be tapped into by practicing mental preparation.
Are you aware of the impact of awesome habits for success and positive thinking on your personal development? But how to best build these habits and this positive attitude is another matter, isn’t it?

Let me tell you about the secret habits that I focused on.

1-Maintain positive attitude-Learn what attitude is, what aspects of your life are controlled or directed by your attitude, and how to determine your attitude at any given moment. Know what specific strategies make a positive attitude a permanent habit in your life.You will perhaps have heard this very old story illustrating the difference between positive and negative thinking.
Many years ago two salesmen were sent by a British shoe manufacturer to Africa to investigate and report back on market potential.
The first salesman reported back, “There is no potential here — nobody wears shoes.”

The second salesman reported back, “There is massive potential here — nobody wears shoes.”

This simple short story provides one of the best examples of how a single situation may be viewed in two quite different ways — negatively or positively. And it is not difficult to see which one you want, eh?

2-Be loyal-:Team loyalty in the corporate environment seems to be a dying philosophy. Loyalty to the team starts at the top.
3-Put others before yourself-:Get up every day and ask yourself what you will do to add value to your team, such as simply offering your assistance with a project.
4-Assume you don’t know enough-:Because you don’t. Any effective team member understands that training is never complete. It’s true in the SEAL teams, and it’s true in any elite team. Those who assume they know everything should be eliminated. Those who spend time inside and outside of the workplace developing their knowledge and skills will provide the momentum for their team’s forward progress.
5-Be persistent-Develop the focus and determination required to succeed. Create an attitude of gratitude as the access to fulfilling your dreams.
6-Never get comfortable-Always push yourself outside of your comfort zone. If you do this continually with every task you take on, that boundary will continue to widen. This process will ensure that you are continually maximizing your potential, which will positively impact your team.
7-Strong relationships-:Build beneficial relationships with many people. Networking and making friends is the name of the game.
8-Continuous learning-:Know what your skills are and what they are not. Keep adding to it all the time — with both your own development and surrounding yourself with others who complement your talents. Remember to focus on your strengths and set your weaknesses aside.
9-Maintain patience-:The proper timing of your words and acts will give you a big advantage over people who are impatient.Much of real happiness is a matter of being aware of what you’re doing while you’re doing it — and enraged people aren’t typically conscious of their actions.
10-Know lessons learned-:Become recognized as a corporate historian, remembering what’s been done, what’s worked and hasn’t and why, where ALL the bodies are buried, and who was responsible for putting the bodies where they were buried. Avoid relearning old mistakes.
11-Keep an open mind-:Those who close themselves off from certain ideas and associate only with like-minded people are missing out on not only personal growth but also opportunities for advancing their careers.
12-Put creative imagination to work-:Extend your physical ability to accelerate creative problem solving and goal achievement in all areas of your life
13-.Listen much more than you talk-:The most likable people know that it’s not worth offending people by expressing everything they know, even if they are true. Pay close attention to someone speaking to you and show interest.
Using a conversation as an opportunity to lecture someone may feed the ego, but it never attracts people or makes friends.

Monday 15 June 2020

Time managments Skill

Manipulate Time With These Powerful  Time Management Tips------
Want to know how you can become a master of time management as well? 
Start by using these top super-powerful time management tips.

1. Create a time audit.-When it comes to time management, the first step you need to take is finding out where your time actually goes.
2. Set a time limit to each task-I’ve found that setting a time limit to each task prevents me from getting distracted or procrastinating. For example, if I want to write an article for my blog, I give myself two hours. So if I started at 8am, I try to get it written by 10am.
Since I put buffers between tasks and activities, if I don’t complete the task on time, I can still work on it without eating into the time reserved for something else.
3.make a To-Do-List-If you’re starting the day with a really long to do list, you’re not alone. 
Many people struggle with their productivity  and having way too many tasks to complete in one day. Luckily, there is a way to complete as many tasks as possible without becoming incredibly overwhelmed. Here are some tips:
1:Turn Off Your Social Media.
2:Start With the Hardest Task First
3:Strategically Plan Breaks
4:Reward Yourself
"Aside from keeping you focused, this also motivates you as you are able to see what you have already achieved, and what remains.”

4. Plan ahead.-One of the worst things that you can do is wake-up without a plan for the day. Instead of focusing on what needs to be done, you wander aimlessly and take care of more trivial matters.
That’s why you should always plan ahead using one of these options;
#The night before-. Before you leave work for the day, spend the last 15-minutes organizing your office and composing a list of your most important items for tomorrow.
#First thing in the morning-During your morning routine write down the 3 or 4 most urgent and important matters that need to be addressed today and work on those when you’re most productive.
5. Spend your mornings on MITs-Mark Twain once said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”
Gross? Sure. But, the point that Twain was making that you should take care your biggest and most-challenging tasks in the morning, aka your most important tasks (MITs) of the day.
6. Learn to delegate/outsource-Delegation and outsourcing can get a bit tricky For some it’s hard to let someone else do work that they used to do. For others, they don’t have the time to train someone else to complete certain tasks.
7. Eliminate half-work.-Regardless of where and how you fall into the trap of half–work, the result is always the same: you’re never fully engaged in the task at hand, you rarely commit to a task for extended periods of time, and it takes you twice as long to accomplish half as much,” adds Clear.Clear has found that the best way to overcome half-work is by blocking “out significant time to focus on one project and eliminate everything else.” For example, he’ll pick one exercise and only focus on that exercise while working out. He’ll also carve out a few hours to devote to an important project, but will leave the phone in another room.
8. Change your schedule-If you’re reading this article then it’s obviously because you want to discover some useful time management – and I’m more than happy to help you put. But, if you’re struggling with time management, the solution may be as simple as changing your schedule around.
9. Leave a buffer time between tasks and meeting-.Jumping immediately from one task or meeting to the next may seem like a good use of your time, but it actually has the opposite effect. We need time to clear our minds and recharge by going for a walk, meditating, or just daydreaming. After all, the human brain can only focus for about 90-minutes at a time.
10. Get organized and single-task.-Start by having a home for everything and making sure that items are put back where they belong. As the end of the day clean your workplace and create a document management system.Most people cite multitasking as the main culprit for misplacing items.
11. Follow the 80-20 rule-“The Pareto Principle also known as the 80-20 rule suggests that 80% of results come from 20% of the effort put in. This is commonly used in sales as 80% of sales typically come from 20% of the customers,”
12. Use an online calendar.-Calendars have long been a fundamental tool for time management. However, online calendars have taken this to the next level. That’s because you can access it from multiple devices, easily schedule meetings and appointments, set up reminders, create time blocks, and schedule recurring events.
13. Stop being perfect-When you’re a perfectionist, nothing will ever be good enough. That means you’ll keep going back to same task over and over again. How productive do you think your day will be as a result?
So, stop being perfect. It doesn’t exist. Do the best you can and move on.
14. Just say “No.-I know that you don’t want to upset anyone. But you can only handle so much. If you already have a full plate then decline that dinner invitation or helping your colleagues on a project until you have the spare time.
15. Instill keystone habits-Charles Duhigg, author of “The Power of Habit,” coined the term “keystone habits.”  But, what are they? Simply put, they’re habits that can transform your life, such as exercising, tracking what you eat, developing daily routines, and meditating.
16. Don’t waste time waiting-I’ll be honest. I can’t stand waiting. It’s not that I’m impatient. It’s just that I know that this is time that could be better spent elsewhere.

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Tuesday 9 June 2020

The best 10 points for financial habits by RobertT. kyosaki

Robert T. Kyosaki√

Robert Toru Kiyosaki is the best-selling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad and he has revolutionized the financial industry through his work in sharing his thoughts on financial education. His book, Rich Dad Poor Dad advocates the importance of financial literacy and has gone on to sell millions of copies in more than 51 languages across the world. It has been listed on the New York Times bestsellers list for over six years.
Robert kyosaki teach some amazing fact about money and who to you become Rich dad .
In this article, you will discover the top 10 success principles from Kiyosaki himself.
1. Set Out to Gain Experience-set out to gain more experience. While it is true that you can learn and gain new knowledge through reading books, attending seminars and learning from other people, you cannot gain new experience simply through reading. Kiyosaki also gave a good example of cycling. He said that one cannot learn how to ride a bicycle by reading a book. The only way you can acquire that skill is to hop on the bicycle and learn to ride it.
2. The More You Give, The More You Receive-According to Kiyosaki, your primary aim is to create more value for your customers through your business. You create an excellent product or give exceptional service to your customers so that in return, they will buy more and become your loyal customers. Unfortunately, most people only think about themselves and how they can make the most of their customers. They want to create the cheapest product and wish to get the most from their customers. This will not work out in the long run.Hence, aim to be a giver. Learn to create more value and how to solve other people’s problems. Kiyosaki said that whether you are rich or you are poor, it all lies in your attitude towards money. He said he made a lot of money, but he also gives a lot of money back to the world. Just like what Anne Frank said, “No one has ever become poor by giving.”
3. Your Thinking Determine Your Success-Kiyosaki said that your biggest asset is you. And how you think is the most important key to changing your life. This is why he constantly emphasizes that if someone wanted to get rid of the rat race and become rich, he must change his thinking and learn to be financially educated.
4. Focus is Key-In one of his seminars, Kiyosaki shared his view on focus. He said that focus simply means “Follow One Course Until Successful”. And that is exactly what he did when he first started.It is the same in every area of your life. If you want to get rich and be financially free, you must do what Kiyosaki suggested and stayed focus on your course until you achieve the result you desire.
5. Hard Times Bring New Opportunities-The famous author of Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill once said, “Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” Highly successful people believe that failures, tough times, adversities, and setbacks are great ways to learn and they contain opportunities to earn and grow higher.
Kiyosaki says that economy is a cycle, it will go up and it will go down. When things are good, the economy will be strong and perform better. When things are tough, the economy will go down and opportunities will be everywhere. And this is why he stresses that financial education is important. You want to learn how to spot the opportunity and make a great deal especially during tough times where the opportunities are everywhere.
6. Don’t Be Afraid to Lose-Every successful people fail at least once in their lifetime. Henry Ford went broke five times before he finally became successful in his automobile business. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple was fired from the board of directors and the company he started, but he eventually made it back to Apple and built it into one of the most innovative companies of the decade.And Robert Kiyosaki said that he has failed many times in his businesses too.This is the problem with the majority. They are afraid to make mistakes and as a result, they let their fear of failure to stop them from moving forward. So from now on, treat your failure as your feedback to improve yourself and in what you do.
7:BE FINANCIALLY EDUCATED-Kiyosaki shared a lot of his ideas and concepts on the subject of personal finance. He is an advocate and believes that if someone wanted to be financially successful, he must first equip himself with the necessary financial education.
One of his principles that can change your financial status is to understand what you are working on. In his books, he categorized jobs and careers into four main categories, and they are the employee, the self-employed, the businessman, and the investor. And you need to understand which category you are in if you want to become rich.

8. Build and Grow Your Assets-One of the most important success lessons everyone should learn from Kiyosaki is to build and grow their assets. Most people have the wrong perception of assets and liabilitiesTherefore, learn to build and grow your assets. Acquire things that will generate you more money rather than take your money away. A well-designed business always increases the number of its assets. And this is exactly what you must do. Aim to acquire more assets that will generate you passive income.
9. Saving Money is Obsolete-When it comes to becoming financially successful, what most people will do is to save money. Kiyosaki said that this is not a wise move because you simply cannot keep up with the fluctuations in the value of the currency, which will weaken their buying power. The inflation rate will be higher than the interest you receive from saving money in the bank.
10. The Rich Don’t Work for Money-
Another popular concept from Kiyosaki’s book, Rich Dad Poor Dad is that the rich do not work for money, rather, they use their money to work for them. Robert Kiyosaki often says, “Money works for me”, and not the other way round.

When you ask people why they are doing all the work, they will tell you that they are working for the money. Most people spend most of their time working to earn a living and to pay the bills. The downside of this approach is that you are exchanging your time for money. And in order to make more money, you will have to sell more of your time working harder and longer hours.On the other hand, rich and successful people do not work for money. Instead, they build businesses and they make investments so that they receive passive income with little or no work. Rather than spending their time working for money, the rich make full use of their money to work for them.

conclusion-A lot of Kiyosaki’s philosophy revolves around education. He believes that people should learn as much as possible about finance. He also believes that “real” financial education occurs outside the classroom. Kiyosaki is critical of people who spend years and money on advanced degrees.

Quick Look: The Best Robert Kiyosaki Books

#Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom
#Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing: What the Rich Invest In, That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not
#The Business of the 21st Century
#Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money
#Rich Dad’s Increase Your Financial IQ: Get Smarter with Your Money 
#The Real Book of Real Estate: Real Experts. Real Stories. Real Life 
#Rich Dad’s Retire Young Retire Rich 
#Why the Rich Are Getting Richer 
#Rich Dad’s Before You Quit Your Job 
#Second Chance: for Your Money, Your Life and Our World 

Change Ahead(Little things change your perception)

5 Little-Known Facts About Habits That Will Change The Way You Look At Them Forever Vishal seth july 16 ,2020· 6 min read Habits...